Symptoms of coronavirus in humans

Nowadays, large-scale pandemic has covered our world, which was not encountered since the time of the Spanish flu. The reason is the rapid spread of a new virus. We know it as COVID-19. This virus infects the human respiratory system, and sometimes even affects the nervous system.

Coronavirus symptoms are very similar to other respiratory illnesses. However, the new virus has its own features. They determine the precautions form and treatment. 

Risk groups and forms of the disease

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and infects the lungs. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it can also be vital on different surfaces for a long period of time. That is why, as a precautionary measure, it is recommended not to touch surfaces in public places.

Older people are at greatest risk, as well as people with chronic illnesses. Such diseases make a person more vulnerable and can lead to complications.

Among such concomitant diseases are:

  • diabetes;

  • high blood pressure;

  • asthma;

  • oncology;

  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;

  • immunodeficiency.

There are three forms of the disease. 

  1. In the mild form, symptoms of coronavirus are limited to high fever and dry cough. About 80% of infected people have a mild form.

  2. The more severe form of coronavirus is accompanied by fever, muscle pain, and headaches, coughing, and fatigue. Such cases reach only 15%.

  3. And only 5% of infected people have a critical form of coronavirus. In this case, bilateral pneumonia develops most often. Sars coronavirus symptoms such as loss of smell, fever, blue skin, shortness of breath indicate immediate hospitalization.

A special course of the disease - no symptoms

In practice, there are cases when people have got inflammation of coronavirus but no symptoms appear. The person feels healthy and conducts a normal life. Such cases are considered the most dangerous, as they pose a threat to everyone around.

To be sure you are not infected, see your doctor if:

  • You have been in contact with an infected person;

  • You have returned abroad, where the situation with the coronavirus is unstable;

  • You feel unwell or you have any suspicions about your health condition.

The first symptoms of coronavirus

Human sars coronavirus symptoms appear in the first 5 days after infection. Key symptoms among them are:

  • high temperature - in almost 100% of cases;

  • sore throat, accompanied by dry and tearing cough - 76%;

  • pain in the chest when breathing - 45%;

  • headaches - 8%.

Other symptoms of coronavirus in humans include:

  • loss of taste and smell;

  • muscle pain;

  • severe fatigue;

  • breathlessness;

  • problems with speech and movement;

  • stomach problems.

Some symptoms of human coronavirus may depend on the severity of other symptoms. For example, with a severe cough and severe fever, there is a high probability of complete loss of smell. Thus, the severity of the disease can be determined by the severity of symptoms.

If you experience any of the coronavirus in humans symptoms, immediately contact your doctor or call 911. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!